Decompress with Jess

Ep. 14: Expectations with Shane Coyle

Jessica Marini Season 1 Episode 14

In this episode, Shane Coyle and I discuss ahhh....expectations. Something that is not nearly talked about enough, yet plays such an important role in our lives. Especially in our relationships with ourselves and each other (Get ready for this one lol).

What is at the root of an expectation?

How does mind-reading play a role?

How can expectations lead to resentment?

How can we better communicate?

We get into all of this and more!

Shane is a speaker, writer,  trauma informed board certified compulsive behavior specialist and mental health advocate. The way he shared his knowledge on this topic made it so easy to understand and leaves you with a lot to think about..... a LOT lol.

Shane's Information:

Website: HOME (

Connect on Instagram: Shane | healer (@shanecoylehealing) • Instagram photos and videos

Instagram Live Conversations: WTFisthishumanexperience (@wtfisthishumanexperience) • Instagram photos and videos

My Information:

Instagram: @decompress_with_jess • Instagram photos and videos
